Dubai, United Emirates, Why Dubai?

Villa Information Services International Incorporated is pleased to announce that we now supply Prequalified Verified Property Investment Purchasers to our clients in Dubai.

Working with our licensed real estate contacts in Dubai we supply to our clients our Prequalified Verified Property Investment Purchasers list names the majority of which are non Dubai residents seeking purchases for investment purposes.

  • Dubai is a tax-free city, without income or capital gain tax. This makes it extremely appealing for people from all over the world to invest in Dubai property.
  • Foreign investors are attracted to Dubai because Dubai has what are known as Tax Free Zones.
  • Dubai is easy to get to, with direct flights from all the major airports worldwide.
  • Dubai is a most popular tourist destination with its luxurious shopping malls, five-star hotels, soft clean beaches and numerous other attractions.
  • Dubai is very, very extremely safe, with a long standing very low crime rate making it a perfect place for families and wealthy individuals.
  • The climate in Dubai is perfect throughout the year, with only 3 months of summer heat.


In comparison to other similar trading hubs around the globe Property prices are relatively inexpensive. As well, there is potential for upside growth, as prices have grown by 10% in various projects from the year 2011.

Real estate has always been a good hedge against inflation. During inflationary periods, which, are usually accompanied by higher interest rates, the higher cost of debt servicing can usually be modified by increasing rent, while the value of the property inflates and its debt is unchanged.

Dubai is a stable location and as a result rental income is a steady and while it might fluctuate, is very unlikely to vanish altogether. Compare that to interest on guaranteed investments accounts or dividends on shares. A good real estate investment property in Dubai offer 8-10% rent return even after deduction of property management fee. Real estate always has a residual value, although prices can certainly fall as well as rise. But property values hardly ever fall substantially unlike shares and hedge funds.
Dubai property is open to any investor from anywhere in the world, unlike the local stock market. This means greater liquidity and more funds in the marketplace. Since the Sub Prime Crisis of 2008 Dubai banks have started lending again, and the number of finance purchases has increased significantly since 2009.